Board and Committees

The Wiener Ball is an initiative of the Austrian Culture Foundation in the Netherlands

Foundation “Oostenrijkse cultuur in Nederland”

  • Antoinette Nikkels van der Veen-Hermans, Chair
  • Maurice ridder de van der Schueren, Vice-chair
  • Allard Frehling, Treasurer
  • Riet Nelisse, Board member, scribe, data editing and sponsorship policies
  • Brigitte Wessely, Viennese, dancing lesson support and communication tourism agencies
  • Katharina David von Franquemont-Barones von Schnurbein, Board member European relations
  • Dick van de Loo, Board member IT support
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Thijs Jansen, protocol
  • Boudewien Sisselaar-Feith, Board member and head of the lady’s committee
  • Lauren Kaars Sijpesteijn, Board member and head of Tombola & Auction committee
  • Jonkheer Mr Alfred Filz von Reiterdank, written communication
  • Maria Haasnoot, ball guests communication
  • Edith Revet, sponsors
  • Lauri Albers, Major b.d. of the Army, government communication


  • Antje Nikkels van der Veen
  • Duco Peeters
  • Bjarne de Vries
  • Jojanneke van der Weide

To get in contact with the “Oud-Debutanten” Committee you can use the contact form (please do not forget to also add your mobile phone number).

“Hulpdebutanten” Committee

Led by Philippina Nikkels van der Veen



Pauwien van Vredenburch Max Landesz
Dominique Nikkels van der Veen Marius Albers
Yasmine Fraats Rutger Spoor
Benthe Verheijen Jason Verdonk


Committee online-communication

Committee logistics

Led by Philippina Nikkels van der Veen & Led by Lauri Albers senior &
Damian Slobbe Bjarne de Vries
Benthe Verheijen Marc Klemann
Pauwien van Vredenburch Anjuli van den Donker
Gina Debats Pauwien van Vredenburch
Anjuli van den Donker

Committee Tombola & Auction

Committee written communication

Lauren Kaars Sypesteijn Led by Philip Hagen
Logistic support
Led by Jojanneke van der Weide Maarten Philipsen
Sem Lode Rajeev Oliemans
Anjuli van den Donker Lynn Koolen

Committee dancing lesson support

Committee dancing lesson activities

Led by Antje Nikkels van der Veen Led by Antje Nikkels van der Veen &
Guyenne Diepenhorst
Eline Nobel
Gina Debats Gina Debats
Stephanie Goes Sabina Masinovic
Sabina Masinovic Sem Lode
Sam Prins Rajeev Oliemans
Timothy Westra
Sebastian Neleman
David Nagy

Youngh-Debutants Committee

Philippina Nikkels van der Veen
Philip Hagen
Guyenne Diepenhorst
Huibert van Olden


To get in contact with one of the committee members you can use the contact form (please do not forget to also add your mobile phone number).



Looking back on the 55th Wiener Ball

published on: 22 February 2024
read more

55th edition on February 3, 2024: Lustrum

published on: 10 March 2023
read more

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